Upgrade of Gabčikovo locks

Upgrade of Gabčíkovo locks

Handling the oversized steel parts of the gate for the Gabčíkovo waterworks

The first components of the lower steel gates of the right lock chamber of the Gabčíkovo Waterworks are already in Slovakia.



Minister of the Environment of the Slovak Republic Ján Budaj

The following articles about the project were also published in professional journals in 2021

Zdroj: Inžinierske stavby 02/2021

Publication source: Inžinierske stavby 02/2021

Zdroj: Inžinierske stavby 05/2021

Publication source: Inžinierske stavby 05/2021

Zdroj: Konstrukce 04/2021

Publication source: Konstrukce 04/2021