About the project
Upgrade of Gabčíkovo locks is a CEF funded project aiming to upgrade the Gabčíkovo locks to ensure good navigation status in the Slovak part of the Danube and along the Rhine-Danube core network corridor. Upgrade of Gabčíkovo locks started in the course of 2016 and will last until the end of 2020.
The Gabčíkovo locks are located at river km 1,820 of the Danube in proximity of the Hungarian border. The current structure of the locks consists of several infrastructure components which need to be upgraded/replaced to maintain stable and safe navigation. The Gabčíkovo water side component is characterised by two lock chambers and a hydropower plant. The existing lock chambers are 275 meters long and 34 meters wide. The supply channel provides the water for the turbines and for the navigation within the Gabčíkovo locks chambers.
The current situation of the locks heavily limits the safety and reliability of navigation. Therefore a good navigation status cannot be ensured in the Slovak section of the Danube.
The Action’s overall objectives are:
• Ensure a good navigation status along the Slovak section of the Danube by increasing safety, reliability and efficiency of operations of the Gabčíkovo locks.
• Supporting modal split by fostering the use of inland waterway transport and eliminating bottlenecks along the Rhine-Danube core network corridor.
The Action consists of both studies and works.
The results of the studies will consist of:
• Final design defining the infrastructure works to upgrade the Gabčíkovo locks;
• A concept for mooring places for the Slovak section of the Danube and wind protection for all the area in the proximity of the locks
The correct dimensions of all the infrastructure components to be upgraded/replaced will be clarified with the completion of the final design.
The main construction works will include:
• Replacement of the upper gate and lower gates (Sub-Activity 4.1);
• Replacement of the technological equipment of the locks chambers (Sub-Activity 4.1);
• Replacement of the locks filling and emptying system and its equipment (Sub-Activity 4.2);
• Completion of measures to stabilize the subsoil and expansion joints (Sub-Activity 4.3);
• Replacement of the expert control system (Sub-Activity 4.4).