New information on the ongoing public procurement of construction work on project „Upgrade of Gabčíkovo locks“ (hereinafter referred to as the „Upgrade of PLK VDG“ ), presentation of the current status of activities and fulfillment of the action plan – these were the topics that resonated during the Coordination Meeting, which took its place within the framework of the expert conference on the 25th Anniversary of the Gabčíkovo dam , on 24 October 2017 in Bratislava.
The introduction of the Coordination Meeting drew attention to the current status of sailing chambers after 25 years of its operation and the main objectives of the project, especially improvement of the quality and safety of navigation, the reliability of locks, the capacity of navigation or the innovation of control systems.
The technical director of the state enterprise Vodohospodárska výstavba, Dušan Voleský elucidated participants in the coordination meeting of the current state of the public procurement for the construction work of the project, whose invitation to tender was published on 22 May 2017 in the European Procurement Bulletin and on 23 May 2017 in the Slovak Bulletin. Director Voleský informed that the public procurement will be assessed at the beginning of 2018. „Nowadays there are tender documents in preparing for technical-construction supervision, whereby the intention to announce a tender is in the near future“ said Dušan Voleský
The „Upgrade of PLC VDG“ project, which is one of the largest river transport projects of its kind in the European Union and co-funded by the EU Funds (CEF Transport Facility), also introduced an Expert Control System which will control the adherence of the navigation parameters and operational optimization of the hydraulic filling and emptying system of the locks, which will contribute to increasing the transport capacity.
Na stretnutí k projektu „Inovácia a modernizácia PLK VDG“, ktorý patrí k najväčším riečnym dopravným projektom svojho druhu v Európskej únii a ktorý je spolufinancovaný z fondov EÚ (Nástroj na prepájanie Európy CEF Transport), bol taktiež predstavený expertný kontrolný systém, ktorý bude slúžiť na kontrolu dodržiavania parametrov plavebnej dráhy a optimalizáciu prevádzky hydraulického systému plnenia a prázdnenia plavebných komôr, čo prispeje k zvýšeniu dopravnej kapacity. Public procurement is scheduled for the end of November 2017.
The coordination meeting program included the information on the ongoing public procurement for feasibility study- the 2nd. phases of project, concerning the elaboration of a concept for mooring places for vessels passing through the Gabčíkovo dam.
The delegate of the ARVD briefed everyone about the implementation of the actions originating from Action Plan and the planned procedures for completing the next steps of ARVD, which originating from this document.
The discussion took place between the participants, in which the implementing bodies agreed on the finalization of the horizontal bar chart, detailing all the necessary activities with the expected time horizons for both implementing bodies.
The „Upgrade of Gabčíkovo locks“ project attracted interest from the professional public during the entire conference on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Gabčíkovo-Nagymaros dams, during which the Coordination Meeting was held.
During the all-day conference, representatives of the Waterborne transport development agency provided guests with informations of the project. In addition to the information, promotional materials were distributed to the conference participants.
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